Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)

  • Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs.
  • Blood clots produce obstruction to the flow of blood and also cause localized inflammation. Most patients experience severe pain and swelling of the affected extremity associated with blood clots. Some patients are appropriate candidates for procedures aimed at the removal of blood clots from the body.
  • Early diagnosis of blood clots is critical so that timely intervention can be performed and appropriate blood thinners can be started immediately.
  • Once blood clots form, there is a limited time window to intervene on them. Typically, this window is limited to 3 weeks from the time of formation of blood clots. Hence, earlier detection of blood clots is important.
  • Lastly, we no longer utilize strong “clot-busting” medications (for example, alteplase) in procedures aimed at treating blood clots.